My Career Journey

Have you ever met one of those people who knew exactly what they wanted to be when they grew up?

I always wished I was one of those people. But when I was growing up, I felt directionless. I was and still am a high performer. I love to learn, master the craft, and earn the self-satisfaction of putting in more than 100% just because that is my default workstyle. I just had no passion for putting the pedal down in any one direction.

I wouldn’t know it until many jobs later that a long-term employment relationship was near impossible. The honeymoon phase is exciting and challenging. Learning on the job – my preferred learning style –observing, modeling, exploring, and improving, but once the job is perfected, I get irritated by the monotony of it all. Nothing new to learn, nothing old to fix.

During these years of aimlessly wandering down my career path, I would scan the horizon looking, plotting, and planning my next move.

What I have now learned is my passion wasn’t about pursuing and landing a dream job. It was all about the journey. I learned and continue to learn that job satisfaction is derived from taking charge and designing your career. We all have value in the workplace. It’s up to you to disrupt the traditional career path, determine the possibilities, and create the opportunities that you expect in your career.

Which is the passion I had always wished for. It was already within me – designing a career that served me and moving on from the jobs that suffocated me.

I designed a career to help people reach their potential in discovering their unique gifts and using them to make a positive impact in the world.


I have spent the entirety of my life curious. I seek information, ask questions, and ponder my thoughts. I am continuously and constantly improving my personal and professional development. I love to learn about the career journey and develop strategies to help individuals design a career worth pursuing.


As a learner, I preferred practicality in applying my learning experiences and discovered that many other learners were a lot like me. In making these connections, I spend my days reading, thinking, creating, collaborating, building, and sharing with learners of all educational and career paths.

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”

I have over 15 years of experience instructing adult learners at colleges and universities, consulting small business and nonprofit work teams, facilitating team-building and professional development workshops, and coaching individuals in career pathfinding and management.

An enthusiastic learner, my formal education includes degrees in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Master of Business Administration, Graduate Certificates in Human Resources and Positive Psychology, and Doctor of Education in Higher Education and Adult Learning. Helping career-minded professionals, graduates, and individuals in career transition, my career counseling methods and philosophy are based on the science of positive psychology.

Dr. Tammy Madsen