College to Career Launch for Graduates

You made the GRADE, earned the DEGREE, and proven that you are CAREER-READY!

Did You Know?

53% of recent graduates are either unemployed or underemployed

It can take 3 to 6 months to find your first career-related job

Average student loan debt is $30,000, and it’s time to begin your payments

You designed your resume and applied to job postings.

At best, you received a rejection response. At worst, radio silence.

You have a career goal, but the traditional strategies are not producing any results.

Not your typical career prep course on resumes and interviews.

The College to Career Launch program will provide you with practical strategies in paving a path and opening doors in your new career field.

It’s time to cash in on your college degree and launch the career that motivated you semester after semester in completing your education.

College to Career Launch for Graduates

Live Weekly

Cohort Learning Experience Informational Presentations Group Coaching

Curated for the college graduate looking to land their FIRST JOB!

Learn How To:

·Navigate the job market

·Showcase your qualifications

·Network with career professionals

·Be creative and strategic in getting career-related job offers

Apply Today!

If you are still waiting for a job offer, we are looking for 10 recent college graduates to join our next cohort.

College to Career Consulting